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Updated my server certificates today. If you permanently stored the previous certificates, you need to delete them and accept the new ones.

In Mozilla go to Edit->Preferences, then to Privacy and Security->Certificates, click on Manage Certificates, go to the Authorities tab. Highlight all the certificates under Brad Witte and delete them. You will be prompted to accept the new certificates the next time you open secure webmail, secure pop3, or secure imap.


Matt just posted a major update to his website. Check it out, he is doing some good stuff for a newbie!


Added niulug.org to the server today. The site has been hosted here for a while with a forward, but today Samir switched the DNS over and I setup a virtual host for it.



Web statistics update! Go to any domain hosted on distanthaze.com and type /usage after the address--you will get a nice statistics page just like the one linked to above!


Finally got around to switching FTP software on the server. I was running wu-ftp, which is like begging to get hacked. I switched to vsftp. There was not a package specifically for RedHat 7.2, so I used the 7.3 one. It installed okay and seems to be running fine. Let me know if you encounter any weirdness, I can probably fix it by tweaking the config.